Daily Readings - October 24, 2011 - Monday

First Reading: Romans 8: 12-17
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 68: 2, 4, 6-7, 20-21
Holy Gospel: Luke 13: 10-17

Holy Gospel:

10 Jesus was teaching in a synagogue on the Sabbath 11 and a crippled wo­man was there. An evil spirit had kept her bent for eighteen years so that she could not straighten up at all. 12 On seeing her, Jesus called her and said, “Woman, you are freed from your infirmity.” 13 Then he laid his hands upon her and immediately she was made straight and praised God.

14 But the ruler of the synagogue was indignant because Jesus had performed this healing on the Sabbath day and he said to the people, “There are six days in which to work; come on those days to be healed and not on the Sabbath.”

15 But the Lord replied, “You hypocrites! Everyone of you unties his ox or his donkey on the Sabbath and leads it out of the barn to give it water. 16 And here you have a daughter of Abraham whom Satan had bound for eighteen years. Should she not be freed from her bonds on the Sabbath?”

17 When Jesus said this, all his opponents felt ashamed. But the people rejoiced at the many wonders that happened through him.

First Reading:

12 Then, brothers, let us leave the flesh and no longer live according to it. 13 If not, we will die. Rather, walking in the Spirit, let us put to death the body’s deeds so that we may live.

14 All those who walk in the Spirit of God are sons and daughters of God. 15 Then, no more fear: you did not receive a spirit of slavery, but the Spirit that makes you sons and daughters and every time we cry, “Abba! (this is Dad!) Father!” 16 the Spirit assures our spirit that we are sons and daughters of God. 17 If we are children, we are heirs, too. Ours will be the inheritance of God and we will share it with Christ; for if we now suffer with him, we will also share Glory with him.

Responsorial Psalm:

2 Arise, O God, scatter your ene­mies; let your foes flee before you.

4 But let the righteous be glad and exult before God;
let them sing to God and shout for joy.

6 Father of orphans and protector of widows – such is our God in his holy dwelling.

7 He gives shelter to the homeless, sets the prisoners free, but keeps the rebels in their jail.

20 Blessed be the Lord, God our savior, who daily bears our burdens!

21 Ours is a God who saves; our Lord lets us escape from death.


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