Daily Readings - November 03, 2011 - Thursday

First Reading: Romans 14: 7-12
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 27: 1-4, 13-14
Holy Gospel: Luke 15: 1-10

Holy Gospel:

1 Meanwhile tax collectors and sinners were seeking the company of Jesus, all of them eager to hear what he had to say. 2 But the Pharisees and the scribes frowned at this, mut­tering. “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” 3 So Jesus told them this parable:

4 “Who among you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, will not leave the ninety nine in the wilderness and seek out the lost one till he finds it? 5 And finding it, will he not joyfully carry it home on his shoulders? 6 Then he will call his friends and neighbors together and say: ‘Celebrate with me for I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you, just so, there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner than over ninety nine upright who do not need to repent.

8 What woman, if she has ten silver coins and loses one, will not light a lamp and sweep the house in a thorough search till she finds the lost coin? 9 And finding it, she will call her friends and neighbors and say: ‘Celebrate with me for I have found the silver coin I lost!’ 10 I tell you, in the same way there is rejoicing among the angels of God over one repentant sinner.”

First Reading:

7 In fact, none of us lives for himself, nor dies for himself. 8 If we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. Either in life or in death, we belong to the Lord; 9 It was for this purpose that Christ both died and come to life again to be Lord both of the living and of the dead.

10 Then you, why do you criticize your brother or sister? And you, why do you despise them? For we will all appear at the tribunal of God. 11 It is written: I swear by myself word of the Lord every knee will bend before me, and every tongue shall give glory to God. 12 So each of us will account for himself before God.

Responsorial Psalm:

1 The Lord is my light and my salvation
– whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the rampart of my life;
I will not be afraid.

2 When the wicked rush at me
to devour my flesh,
it is my foes who stumble,
my enemies fall.

3 Though an army encamp against me,
my heart will not fail;
though war break out against me,
 I will still be confident.

4 One thing I ask of the Lord, one thing I seek –
that I may dwell in his house all the days of my life,
to gaze at his jewel and to visit his sanctuary.

13 I hope, I am sure,
 that I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.

14 Trust in the Lord, be strong and courageous
yes, put your hope in the Lord!


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