Mary, the Mother of All

Has the time told us about our Holy Ethereal King;
And so as the hailed Royal Queen, His Bearer.
Love was one, and only one to cling,
The Mother of All has offered Her Holy Ring.

"The Birth of Our Exalted Queen,
The Birthgiver of God and Ever-Virgin Mary”,
Feasted, acclaimed and celebrated as one,
Of the ten and two liturgies traced on the East.

Bettered the world by bearing the Holy Child of the Heavens,
Unleashed the goodness, triumphed the mercy and proclaimed the power
God has entrusted upon her acclaimed purity.
That is how, that is why, that is Mary,

Fragile is the faith of men to whom one should be faithful to,
Forgiveness, riposte of the Heavenly Mother to you.
Ferocious are those who believe in Her power,
Rewarded are those who stay in her cradle with honor.

In the length of years to come and to be counted as undefined;
In the span of over a handfuls of temptations and lures;
In the moments of solitary submission to earthly works;
Mary, the Mother of all, shall mend every soul and every folk.

Praise the love!
Praise the blessings!
Praise the King!
Praise Mary, Mother of All!

by: Kloyde A. Caday
© 2011 Universal Catholic Faith and Traditions
Feast of the Queenship of Mary
August 22, 2011


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