The Queenship of Mary

Mary, The Queen of All Heaven and Earth

Do you ever wonder why the Most Blessed Virgin Mary is clothed with golden adoration, and a crown so elegant? It is because she is a Queen in Heaven, paying honor to the devoted Mother to Her Son. Moreover, we, the Roman Catholic brethren, intended the 22nd of August in celebration of the Feast of the Queenship of the Virgin Mary.1 To commemorate this very special day intended to Mary, Marian devotees are putting crowns upon Her images to value the power that the Virgin Mary had, and the undying dignity that transcends space and time.

In accordance with the unshakable faith that we possess, we all are fully aware that Jesus Christ, King of Zion, is also the King of Earth and Heaven even if the world we are living right now is turned upside down. With this, it is just right for His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary to be sharing the title up above. Behind the Lord Jesus’ omniscient power and redemption He has been giving to all who believes, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary was His inspiration. And thus, it is apt for the Blessed Virgin Mary to obtain Queenship all over the horizon in Heaven.

The observance of the Queenship of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary was dated as early as the generation of the prophet Jeremiah.The Book of Jeremiah states that:

‘The children gather wood and the fathers light fire. The women knead dough to make cakes for the Queen of Heaven and pour out drink offerings for foreign gods (Jeremiah 7:18).3

The said Feast was once celebrated during the 11th of October as declared by Pope Pius XII. He established the Queenship of Mary everywhere. He also ordered to dedicate ourselves to Mary on that day annually.1

We, the present generations of Catholics, must preserve this Feast that shall serve as our appreciation to the things and miracles that occurred with the presence of the Queen, the Virgin Mary. Present technologies indeed are sprouting like mushrooms in the present status quo, yet we must not forget to always pray because, still, this is our weapon.

3. Christian Community Bible: Catholic Pastoral Edition

by: Kloyde A. Caday
© 2011 Universal Catholic Faith and Traditions
Feast of the Queenship of Mary
August 22, 2011


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